You can learn how to sing a song if you know how the enumeration of pronunciation works.
Pronunciation has weight and form, and there is a reason for the sequence of pronunciations, the alignment that happens, and the form of the enumeration. For example, try pronouncing 'ah'. Then try pronouncing 'iy'. Try to see what you are doing when you change the pronunciation from ah to iy. It sounds difficult, but it's just to check. I don't think we often check the pronunciation and articulation of small sequences of sounds. For instance, when you have a cold, does your voice ever get rattly? The pitch and production of the sound changes and it feels kind of weird. If you remember that there are times when these changes are easy to notice, you will understand that there are small differences in pronunciation in everyday life.
Your singing will always change. It is thought that only those who have always sung somewhat well can get better. However, with my practice method, you will always be able to conduct your singing beautifully. This is because it is more than a song, it is a series of sounds. If you want to be a good singer, you should think and feel how you are pronouncing the words. There is no magic spell that can suddenly make you a great singer. Rather, imagine your singing as a tower, built up from its foundations, and with each level that is added it soars further up into the sky.
Now let's all think about singing. There are people who are said to be good singers who are somehow unstable. Why? It is because they sing without consideration for the importance of the arrangement of sounds, instead just making sense of such sequences in their own mind subconsciously. We would not say "Panja", we would say "Japan", and we do not consciously think about why the sounds are in such an order. That's fine if it comes naturally to you, but not knowing how to do it can actually be a source of instability. What about your singing, is there much that you can't explain? And if you're not very good at it, if you understand how you're doing it, you can always change it in a positive way.
I encourage you to focus on the elementso you don't like, the small changes in pronunciation, the small differences. If you don't want to do something that isn't all fun, practising small differences will eventually become something you look forward to. It just takes a little time to get into the habit of it. I am sure that being able to focus on such things will open up your life in a brighter way. The first little bit can be a pain, but this is what you need, not only for singing, but for everything, isn't it?
Come on, you can all change today.
Let's sing a song, paying attention to the pronunciation!
If you are not sure, please comment and I will give you advice.
発音には重さや形がありなんとなく発音している 発音の並び、そうなる整列 羅列の形態になる理由があります。
例えば あぁ と発音してみて下さい。そこから いぃと発音してみてください。あーからいーと発音変えるとき自分が何やってるか確認してみるのです。難しいように思いますがそれは確認をするだけです。皆さんは小さな音の羅列 並びの発音や発声について確認することがあまりないのだと思います。例えば風邪をひいて声がガラガラになったりする事はないですか?音の高さや出方が変わってなんだか変な気分です。このように変化がわかりやすい時がある事を思い出せば日常にも小さな発音の違いがある事が理解できるのではないでしょうか?皆さんの歌は必ず変化します。もともと歌がある程度上手な方しか上手くならないと思われている。しかし、私の練習法を持ってすれば、必ずあなたの歌をきれいに並べることができるようになります。歌というよりそれは音の羅列だからです。歌が上手くなりたいと思う場合私たちがどういう発声をしているかを考えるべき、感じ取るべきです。皆様の歌が素敵になるということは、最初から魔法をかけて突然上手くなるのではなく、一つ一つの羅列一つ一つの整列を確認しながら行けば積み上がった音の塔こそが歌の基礎、美しくそびえ立つでしょう。さあ皆さんも歌について考えましょう。何となく歌が上手と言われる方で不安定な方がおられます。なぜか?それはこういったシンプルな順番を数えたり理解する事の意味の大切さが自分の中で消化出来ないままなんとなく歌えてしまう事があるからです。それで何も問題ない方は良いですが、どうやっているかわからない事は実は不安定の材料になることがあります。皆さんの歌はどうでしょうか、説明がつかないことが多くありませんか?またあまり上手じゃなかったとすれば、そのやり方を理解すれば必ず納得の元変化して行けます。私は皆さんの苦手な違い、発音の小さな変化、小さな違いにこそ着目することをお勧めします。楽しいことばかりじゃないと嫌だなぁって言う方がおられたら、小さな違いを練習することがやがて楽しみになります。ただそれを習慣づけるための時間が少しかかかるだけです。さぁ皆さんそんなところに着目できることで、自分の人生が明るく開けること間違いないです。最初のちょっとだけがめんどくさい。このめんどくさいことこそ歌に限らずどんなことでも必要ではないでしょうか?
さあ 皆さんも今日から変わります。